Financial PlanningA post-pandemic financial checklistBY Chris O'SheaWith vaccinations ramping up across the world, the pandemic is finally nearing its end. Now that we have a light at the end of the tunnel, it’s time to make sure your finances are ready to go. Here’s a post-pandemic money checklist.
Get an overview
With some pandemic dust settling, it’s important to get a big picture view of your finances. Check up on your budget and see where you stand. Look into where your cash is going now and any problem areas — like increased debt — that arose during the past year.

Tackle debt
If you have accumulated debt, make a plan to dig yourself out of the hole. One possible path? Consolidate it. You can take advantage of low interest rates and move your credit card debt onto a card with a zero- or low-interest offer. Just make sure you’ll come out ahead of any balance-transfer fees.

Build up emergency funds
There’s a good chance your emergency fund took a hit during the pandemic. That’s OK. Pandemic = Emergency. But it’s time now to try and rebuild it. Shave off expenses from your budget and funnel that extra money into emergency savings. You could also use your stimulus check or tax refund to pad the account. The Credit Union also offers an Emergency Fund Savings Account. Find out more on the Credit Union's website.

Seek balance

The stock market went through some rough periods during the pandemic before zooming back, so now is a good time to check in on your investments. As a recent article in U.S. News & World Report advised, make sure your portfolio has the right mix of stocks, bonds and other securities that reflect your investment goals.
Chris O’Shea is a regular contributor for SavvyMoney, Inc.