A WORD FROM THE CEOOut of the stormTwenty years ago, on Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks forever changed our lives, our industry and our world.

For many of us, that horrific day remains surprisingly vivid and the pain and tears it caused still too easily accessible. Two decades ago, the Credit Union worked in the same building as American Airlines employees, and the horror of learning our planes were directly involved made the day all the more difficult.

This special issue of our digital magazine, cent$™, looks back on what it was like for our team members that day while paying homage to two Credit Union coordinators who were taken from us too soon when their planes went down.

But a key take away from that tragedy was how we moved beyond it and supported our members as they returned to work helping rebuild the shaken industry at the heart of our business. Our CEO at the time commissioned a painting to commemorate that rebound, and it graces the cover of this issue.

Painter Terry Issac’s “Out of the Storm” has a new meaning for us right now, as many are still struggling to move forward from the worldwide pandemic that has also changed our beloved air travel industry. But as we found new strength following an attack on our nation, we do so again as we make strides to move past COVID-19.
Discover more details hereNo matter what crisis we face, the Credit Union remains your partner and will be ready to take your hand and guide you toward a better tomorrow.

You’ll find some helpful information here, as always, including stories of
navigating airports more easily, making privacy updates on apps, managing your 401(k), paying for a home remodel, planning for your hobbies after retirement and much more.
All the best,Gail Enda
President & CEO